Friday, December 14, 2007

chiong a bit slaack
chiong a bit slaack
chiong a bit slaack

wed morning mug in school. hi bowei. i owe you a book. afternoon gym sl. woho! :):):) night nus dbs lab. sleep

thurs morning lab lab lab lunch lab lab lab go out with edwin walk walk walk watch late night movie long bus ride stayover.

fri morning wake up to a bad nose make breakfast eat sleep wake up for lunch sleep wake up to tuition sleeeeep dinner now. still a bad nose

heh. falling sick is god's way of telling you to rest. to 'make you lie down... ' (Ps 23) haha! but i've fallen sick so many (freaking) times this year that i've lost count. sometimes its just a bad nose for tue days. sometimes its the full blown sore throat cought runny nose headache thing. Its highly probable that i've been overworking my poor self.

tmr's a full day ahead again.

sat morning training. meet phoebe and find out how fencing works. afternoon tm. evening christmas at my place. night stayover

sunday. blanks. i need a break.

some random comments: edwin is an owel! and his sleeping pattern is mighty screwed up. sng's (or our) obsession with mnm's is gonna get bigger. the phone's a greater invention than i admit. how to find gemini? think i've missed the shower. more stayovers please. the lab gives me mood swings. kids are cool.

camp was awesome gym sl was great :) i'll post separately.

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