Friday, June 22, 2007

this week was catch up week for me. everyone was away at camp so no yf on sat and no service on sunday. we were home alone man! i know mugging for the whole day sounds wrong, and quite detrimental to health, but thats what we did. haha!

the only times i went out of the house

friday - training in the morning
sat - throwin out the rubbish bah?
sun - breakfast at roti prata shop with mel and grandma
mon - sending pple off (back home)

this is the first time mugging has been so squeezed up for me but i'm not about to worry. :) God will do a miracle for me.

not saying i don't need to study, but to be able to finish everything in a short time is something i've never accomplished before.

monday was a good day! the guys from prayer cell came over. phoebe bay and sng came over first to help prep for worship. in order that the piano not overpower my guitar, phoebe brought a mike which was plugged into the dvd player. sound output was from the tv lol and the player kept auto shutting down so bay had to keep pressing the oN button.

the turnout was smaller than i expected, but we had a great time soaking up god's presence during worship. and what was realli realli awesome was the sharing. rubbing off each other and gaining new insights to things. (that one went on for a bit too long? until some pple go back kena scolding :) we talked and then had supper until near 11. i think pizza and green bean soup is somehow an odd combi....

hmmm.. the weekends coming. and guess what!
the two days b4 blocks im having leaders retreat in church. I've decided to miss the fun part of it (the beach) - which is today. in place of mugging.. sadly.

again you see why god is going to work a miracle for blocks?

thank you everyone who overuses haha when you msg me. its now affecting me even when i post here..........

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