Tuesday, February 19, 2008

oh no.. so many things to do so little time!


overseas attachment prog presentation at moe edutorium

stuff coming up:

GP presentation on conflict and we've no idea (yet)(still) how to do

SRP oral defence
Next WK

Next Next wk

random other things...
gbv tutorial math im behind still at vectors gp AQ qn gp articles i owe ms ho photog ct photo nonsense chem hydroxy compounds tutorial i havn't done some qns for the Ksp one previously gym SL admin thursday going lab take photo of my insitu hyb fri rooftop meeting in evening training wed sat BT coming up in how many weeks?? garrhh

what a rant.

Previous post was the video i did last wknd for the presentation today at MOE to juniors who want to sign up for OSAP this year :)

I'm learning what it means to depend on him daily. Not just on the whole in a general sense depending on him for salvation, but on his strength to get through the day, do what needs to be done, and keeping a sweet spirit. the joy of the lord is my strength!

Phil 3: 6-7 Go check it out if it (Phil 3: 6-7) doesn't ring a bell :)

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