Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Recently, someone asked me about my faith, along with many questions about God that I couldn't answer myself.

Since I have unanswered questions about God, why do I believe?

shook me up a bit until a put my thoughts out clearly. Here I go...

If there is a God (and I believe there is), I don't think that he'll be found just using intellect. Analogy here: Just as ants cannot comprehend us, we won't be able to fully comprehend who God is. Science doesn't help us in this because science helps us to understand our environment more through observation. If scientists were to one day discover everthing about the universe and knew its workings, some basic questions would stil exist. 'Why is there universe?', 'has it any meaning?'.

Thats where faith and the human experience comes in. (believing that there isn't a God is also a faith) Of all the religions in the world, none can (or ever will, I think) be proven. If that were to happen, that religion would be a fact, and everyone would subscribe to it. But that is not the case.

In the Christian faith, God calls believers to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7). That is, to trust and believe all he says is true. Isn't it dangerous that by faith, I allow all my beliefs and value system to be based on this faith?

When I talk about having faith, or putting faith in someone, say a friend. I need to konw the person will enough to know he is trustable. This faith is built upon my relationship with him, and the time I spend with him. Same thing for my faith in God. I spend time doing qt, prayer, and reading his word. Through that, God speaks to me in my circumstance, and I see him working in my life. That gives me confidence in the faith I have.

For this faith, a large part of it hinges on the human experience. But thats something we cannot discount. Faith is like the activation energy barrier. When i took the first steps in drawing close to god, it resulted in him revealing himself to me in wondersful ways. :)

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