Thursday, May 24, 2007

i realised that i can just copy and paste my post from the class blog's 'edit post' secion and i can plonk it right here. and the pictures appear, which means i don't have to wait for them to load all over again. cool!

This week has been quite a rush to complete things. I've needed to see teachers to catch up on missed lectures/tutorials cos i took 2 days mc last week, organise re-taking of ct photos (the idiots who blinked!), meet gym peeps to settle training dates, go back to see Wang, go for the SYF concert (and make flowers for the many many pple i knew), and today i went to nus from 2 till 6 to see my mentors.

i spent two hours in one lab, and the next two hours in another


i guess i really need to tidy things up before i leave this saturday :) i'll post about both of them some other time...

today i only allowed myself till 9 to blog. then i have to continue packing for NZ and then go to sleep.(then again i haven't been sleeping early. learning to live on 6 hours plus, which isn't good. (that explains why i've slept through math lecture twice in a row - sorry mrs boo!))

ho.. but sleep or none, i'm quite happy with what i've done during the week.

now i shall go pack, and cultivate the coming holiday mood.. which i'm sorely lacking right now. i haven't been thinking about looking forward to the trip, thats probably the reason i'm not yet jumping for joy

(I realised, another reason for posting again is because i'm going away so often this year. I don't think i'll have access to a com in NZ but when i go to england for LIYSF this year i should have. then i can post from there :)

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