Saturday, May 06, 2006

duh.. havent posted in like.. how long?

I went for the Workers Party rally yesterday! first time i saw the Serangoon Stadium being jam packed.. i couldnt even see platform where the candidates were speaking from because the elevated stands and the field was full of pple. I could only hear them speak.. just proves that not all Singaporeans are apathetic about politics.. or maybe most of them (like me) were just out there for the atmosphere. After all, election frenzy only comes around once in five years :) Well.. there were also as many ardent supporters of WP shouting their cheers and waving the WP flag.. We'll just have to see whether they translate all this support into actual votes..


and i have a holiday on tuesday all because of this!! the school declared it a holiday because saturday was polling day and we are all supposed to have only five day work weeks.. and then there is also a combined sports meet with ny on one day.. so i only have 3 days of school next week... (and three tests... one math and one chinese and one chinese again) yay.

well anyway.. back to mugging math.. its not going to be an easy test for certain.....

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