Wednesday, February 23, 2005

ahahaha... mang wan liaozz... finish my tests and everything.... thank god..... haf been very busy so nvr go and blog.... got tests then got interview for tan kah kee young inventors award... then got church PPET... learned how 2 evangelise properly... n how to answer 10 FAQ... ... so happi.... that god has helped me through.... i cant believe after retest physics got A1... so chem and bio.... yay... bio first in class lor... :P not to boast or anyting... i rarely get such gd results...!!! then TKKYIA quite fun.. at 1st very nervous... budden the judges quite friendly.... and it went well... now im temporarily unstress.... but then back to work soon

Didnt get into icouncil EXCO 2005... no regrets 4 running 4 elections though.... am i inactive in council?? am i?? Mr Tan CW was considering my role in the council if i didnt run... i dun think i am somehow (im answering my own question ahaha) ... mebbe i can be the student activities and welfare head though... but still pending... i wuz thinking of going ice skating on monday but i haf a council meeting on that day... boo hoo hoo....

Im going in the wrong order... everything i say first came first and everything i say last happened the most long ago... going by memory coz i havent post 4 soooooooooo long.... argh... 4 got wat i wuz going to say... hm... cant seem to rmb...

Met with SMP mentor 4 a few times liao... got the project creative avoid of flies... now asking joanne online where i can find flies.. thats my nick... at first we thot da prof dam fierce coz he gave us an ultimatum... budden now not realli.. hes quite nice... met him at his office at NIE, KAP and HCI... haahahah

National instituit of education
King Albert Park Macs
Hwa chong Instituition (chinese high...)

o ya... thanks kah yan.... a lot... (my cousin who tuition me overnite lor... if not where got test so gd?? )

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